September 27, 2009

Once upon a time, I was stuck in a traffic jam. So in order to amuse myself, I whipped out my phone and proceeded to take pictures of myself.

I'm not a fan of traffic jams. But this time, there was something strangely entertaining about trying to balance between the limited lighting and keeping an eye on the road.


Bazz said...

a cool way 2 keep one's mind of the horrendous jams :)

Barry said...

Where do we get info bout your performances Nikki? :D Only ever managed to watch you live one i think...

Anonymous said...

Nikki, time to change ur status longer day!stay happy alwayys!

ZuLiana Spore

Anonymous said...

I was about to leave a similar comment: you should've changed ur status already! ;-p

Anyway, hope all is well. All the best. Hi to V.

- zara, UK

N. Palikat said...

Hey Barry!

I have to get used to updating information about my shows. I suck at it. I know :p

I think the solution for this is Twitter.

Hi Zara and Zuliana!
Thanks for reading. I've changed it, but it doesn't seem to show?

Bazz said...

hey there nikki!

d best way is thru a website, but then u'd hv to hire a webmaster to update it now and then.

btw, i still manage ur unofficial website i'd be happy to help u out with disseminating ur updates. u can email me the info and other stuff.

an easier option is thru blogging or facebook. not many ppl hv twitter accounts coz u cant do much with twitter.

i guess u r a novice at this cyber technology stuff uh? :) keep trying. u'll learn.
